From the producers of Eldin Ring and Dark Souls.

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It’s that time of the year to familiarize yourself with the RPG action-adventure game, Unknown 9: Awakening. It centers on a young girl, Haroona, an adventurer who is obssessed with seeking the truth whereas having a specaial link to a different world known as the Fold. The Fold contains forces of undeputed and great power that may fight you and try to bring you down. As you play as Haroona, you try to uncover the underlying truth about yourself and also about the past of humanity and it’s existence. This truth can be of greater purposes and sense of advancement but however if fell into the wrong hands, may see the world as good as dead. Whilst Haroona seeks to uncover her past and potential, this quest takes a completely different dimension, when she has to save humanity and her quest being more than just a nemesis. Players play to uncover or unfold the long-lost knowledge of humanity which must be kept tidy and safe. In a crazy world as The Fold, Haroona taps in its energy, making her incredibly powerful, and gains powerful skills known as umbric abilities. Haroona’s stealth abilities make her nuisance to her enemies but however, she should be mindful greater enemies in the fold known as Ascendants, a dangerous offshoot of a secret society known as the Leap Year Society.

We are already in the summer of 2024 and the countdown of Unknown 9 Awakening has already begun. Players are already to begin their quest into The Fold and combat enemies to in order to set free the planet. The Fold already has strong enemies and forces which makes the journey tough. Players are well aware of this, I guess. Now let us take a look at how the gameplay is going to look like. It can take a lifetime for a quaestor (players) to reach the fold in unknown 9. Even if they are able to reach The Fold, they are not guaranteed of any reward, that is what Bandai Namco wants us to see. Unknown 9 is literally ready to hit the PCs and the Consoles and therefore players are formulating their strategies and tactics to beat the game. There are various Umbric features and abilities that may elevate and fuel gameplay and might as well aid players to battle out enemies. Again, players using Haroona can shield off themselves against Ascendants attacks. If you have ever tried your hands on Remedy’s popular game Quantum Break, you would have a fair knowledge on how shields works and how comfortable it is to use that ability. Another spectacular ability that Haroona has at her disposal is how Haroona/Players can peek into The Fold. This ability helps Haroona to get a general overview of a place where she is heading. This ability helps Haroona to spot enemies, their attacks and their defense mechanisms. Since Haroona is a more like a one-man army, she relies heavily on these abilities in order to penetrate through The Fold. One last ability I would love to cover is how Haroona is able to step into the shadows of isolated and lonely Ascendant soldiers. This is the most conscious demanding ability, I could say. It takes a steadier approach before Haroona can gather and propel the shade and take over an enemy’s body. Whiles players don’t necessarily have a button to enhance their combat skills, they may take advantage of the push, pull, and crush way in a close combat. Enemies that come close to Haroona are sent back flying through her push way of close combat. Just like in Control where Jesse Faden has the crush ability in a close combat, Unknown 9’s Haroona has the same thing but in a more compact and fierce manner.

One key source to Bandai Namco and the game itself, Unknown 9, said in an interview that “We’re thrilled to announce the game’s upcoming release! Thanks to our dedicated team and the unwavering support of Bandai Namco Europe, our vision has become a reality, and this is just the beginning” said Marc André Séguin, General Manager at Reflector Entertainment. “We’re eager to share this IP, its narrative universe, and the many adventures that unfold within it with players.”

Here are the system requirements of Unknown 9 on PC by STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1477940/Unknown_9_Awakening/#System%20Requirements